Cover photo for Dante Chase Music
So I was on a podcast: I had no idea what to expect. At one point it almost brought tears to my ears. Yet here's the thing: It's (almost) completely fake. The above was generated automatically from Google's Notebook LLM - from just two pages of this website - my about me page and a song I wrote from an abandoned book. It's an AI voice application that can summarise any text into voice. So what do I think of this? It really taps in emotions:First of all, it's the timbre of the voices. Listen to how the woman broadcasting pauses and returns in almost a whisper. The male voice is deep and reassuring. I've used many voice to text applications over the years, but they never escaped the robotic voice. This sounds human. Secondly - hearing my life told in such a way, was riveting. The intro I wrote for this website was something I reduced to a digestible nutshell. But upon hearing this, it seemed to fill in the gaps, that I was missing, a human voice telling my story. Granted the voices are cultural - it's quite American, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I imagine if were British or even my native New Zealand, the approach on the subject might have been a bit more restrained, and maybe even a dash of cynicism? This felt like I was on Oprah, telling my life story. Notebook LLM makes you feel like a guest on this show. I haven't made it as a musician, and this made me feel like I was on top of the world. Like I conquered a mountain. And damn, if that doesn't feel good. It gets information (mostly) right:From the two pages on my website - it got remarkably a lot. The AI summary cleverly fills gaps by asking questions of what if and why. This sparks the imagination of the listening.  What it doesn't get right can be forgiven:  • It mistakes me for a musician who is much more famous or successful. I haven't even recorded any songs yet - though that is in the works. This site might be public facing, but is essentially an anonymous island in a thick sea of information. That's fine just fine by me, but  • It doesn't take into account adjacent information. The podcast mentions that the song 'Stars in the same sky' was written from a book that I was writing. Well, this book was abandoned, but you need to read the post about that. Its strangely terrifyingI've done podcasts before as a guest, years before. I either sounded like a bumbling fool, or unhinged. But this podcast expresses something deep and satisfying - yet these hosts are artificial.  So many questions could be asked. • If AI manages to capture speaking voices, what more will it do singing voices?  • If AI can manipulate emotions so well, can this innocently be used for nefarious purposes? • If the source information is wrong or incomplete - can this mislead the listeners? I foresee this tool can be used masterfully by those that know how to pull the strings. It's a dawn of new creativity, but a creativity that will eat itself much like a ouroboros.  Strange times we are living in.
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Aidan [lyrics]

Where are the books and the stories That this heart knows is true Is there anyway to name this? Are words ever enough for you? Bright as the sun, lights my path As sure as the sky is blue Shine like stars on my dark nights Aidan is that you? I see the world from your shoulders Love as far as the eye can see Dark clouds surround us know Why are you so far away from me? Bright as the sun, lights my path As sure as the sky is blue Shine like stars on my dark nights Aidan is that you? Bright as the sun, lights my path As sure as the sky is blue Shine like stars on my dark nights Aidan is that you? -- This is another song that inspired by the book I was writing. The first verses are from the perspective of a father, the second verses are from the perspective of a sister. Here is an excerpt from the point of view of Aidan's father: “ Owen held the drone to his chest. It once belonged to Aidan. When Aidan was 10, Owen often took him to his work place. Aidan loved being around the gadgets. Owen had just fixed a mid 21st century drone. On the drone was a nameplate: The Jolly Debacle. Aidan pointed at the name. "What's that mean?" "I means everything and nothing at all. That's the joy of naming things." Owen answered. "Thought Jolly would be a good name for drone. In old times, pirates had a flag called the Jolly Rogers. But Jolly by itself felt a bit lonely. So I consulted the authority." Owen thumped down a large blue book. Oxford English Dictionary - Second Edition - Vol IV - Creel - Duzepere Aidan looked at it with awe. "Does it have pictures?" "Not the kind of pictures you are thinking of, boyo. But yes it does have pictures. Its a book of words - pictures for your mind. " Owen tapped his index finger on the side of his head. "So boyo, to name things, there's a special process we must follow. We close our eyes, open the book, and twirl our finger, and it lands on a word. That's how it landed on debacle. Here let me show you." He opened the book, twirled his finger and pointed to the definition. Aidan read it aloud. "2. A sudden breaking up or downfall; a confused rush or rout, a stampede." "Very good, boyo. That's how we name things." Owen said. Aidan eyes lit up. "Dad, can I name something?" Owen held his chin. "Hrmm. Well it so happens I just fixed another drone yesterday." Owen picked up a large silver drone. "She's a beauty." "Oh Daddy let me name it!" Aidan shouted. "Ok Aidan. But you must take a solemn oath to name things. It's serious business." Owen said. "You think you are ready for such a responsibility?" Aidan looked earnest. "I am." "Ok boyo. Raise your left hand" Owen commanded. The boy complied. Owen held the book in front of Aidan. "Place your right hand on the sacred text of the English language" Owen continued. Aidan gently placed his hand on the worn cover. "Aidan Quente Krasny - do you solemnly swear to give things their true names, the full true name, and nothing but their true name, so help you God?" Aidan was silent. Owen whispered to him "Hey boyo, this is were you say I do." Aidan stammered "Oh.. I do." "By the powers divested to me by the Oxford English Department, I declare you, Aidan Quente Krasny, a true namer of things, neophyte level." Owen concluded. Aidan remained silent. Owens voice boomed. "Congratulations, you get to name the drone now!" Aidan beamed with excitement. Owen handed him the book. "Do you remember how to do it, or do ya need a refresher course?" With a sing song reply Aidan said. "Of course I remember." Aidan took the book. He closed his eyes and carefully opened the book. With his left hand he supported the book while his right finger danced in the air. His finger softly landed on a page. "Let's see watchya got there." Owen observed. Aidan read it aloud. "Daintive. It means dainty?" "Ah a delightful name! Now, just follow the clues - go to Dainty." Owen helped the boy find the definition. Aidan looked at it "There are so many definitions, how do I know the right one?" Owen said "You are now the true namer of things. It can hold which ever meaning you decide. Even all of them." Aidan slowly read through all the definitions. "I really like this one." "Liking or fondness to do or see anything; delight, pleasure, joy"  Aidan smiled "Daintive. it even looks a bit like my name. Let's call it the Jolly Daintive!" "Well done" Owen responded. "You are really good at this." Owen processed a plastic name plate. He sprayed adhesive on the back, and handed it to the boy.  "Do the honours, Aidan" Owen handed him the plate. Aidan proudly glued the name plate on. "Can we fly the Jolly Daintive now?" Aidan asked. "Don't see why not. Lets go boyo!"” Lyrics by DanteChaseMusic ASCAP ID:924944814 Author:1228030887 Publisher:1228030691
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Stars in the same sky [lyrics]

I know its early The greylight is gone Come let us greet  the sun we've never seen Rise now, take my head its time to be strong Walk with me, to the light, Beneath the crystal skies We are stars, in the same sky We are stars, in the same sky I know its late, The clouds are gone now Come let us meet The stars we've never seen Come now, take my hand its time to be strong Walk with me, to the light, Beneath the crystal skies We are stars, in the same sky We are stars, in the same sky ----- This song was inspired by a book that was I writing. Here the extract from the chapter that inspired these verses: “It was coldest night since they arrived. Even since they found the girl in the snowy wreckage. She had grown so much in the last six months. He no longer had to carry her, she held her own walking through the snowy grounds. In fact, she was well head of him as they collected the firewood. He heard her shriek. He looked around but didn't see her, but his torch revealed her tracks in front of him. He dashed alongside them. When he saw her, she was laying on her back in the fresh snow. She sat up and pointed up. The moonless sky revealed a sparkling array of stars. Stars he only read about and heard about, but never had seen. Yet she knew all the stars. She had been amongst them. She patted the snowy bank, offering him a place to sit down. Her voice was excited. She was talking too fast, but he knew she was talking about the stars. She was so happy. She had lost everything, but she at least had her sky back. She grabbed his hand, and spoke spoke slowly. "Look, there is Orion." He squinted as she pointed to the three neatly aligned stars. Saipha took his hand. "There." He saw finally them. "Tsuzumi Boshi" She looked at him and said "Stuzumi Boshi?" He smiled and repeated himself. She corrected herself. Tsuzumi Boshi. She learns so quickly. He nodded. He tried his very best to pronounce her words. "OO-RI-On" She nodded and fell back on the snow, looking at the stars. He did the same. The clouds framed the gap in sky and showed no sign of closing in. He hoped that it would last forever. She was like water. His people were like the dry earth. Both could exist with each other, but kind of life could that ever be? He looked at the girl. Frosty breath rose from her lips. She was softly speaking the star names. She knew them all. He sat up and looked at her. "Sai-ee-fa". She moved her eyes away from the distant sky and up at him. He had to say it right. He looked at her tenderly. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the words he taught himself. You. are. a. star. in. our. Con. stel. la. tion. Before he could even open his eyes, he felt her little arms wrap around him. He embraced her back, resting his chin on her head. They held each other for awhile. When she pulled back, the clouds started to close the sky like a slow moving curtain. Saipha looked at him. She put her mittened hand on his chest and spoke softly. And you. You are a star in my sky” Lyrics by DanteChaseMusic ASCAP ID:924983701 Author:1228030887 Publisher:1228030691
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248,896 words.

At the end of June 2023, I had finished the first draft of a book I was writing. It was a something I poured myself intensely for over a year. I had a story to write and had to get it out. I was committed to it. I had written nearly 250,000 words. Before I started to write, I commissioned an amazing artist to draw the cover. I stocked on heaps of coffee. I woke up at 5:00 AM and wrote often to 10:00 AM each day without fail. Though I had never taken up such an intense writing project, it flowed. I even had lined up an excellent editor that I had found online. The book itself was divided in 4 parts. I submitted the first part to my editor in June just before I left overseas. When I got back in August I began to tackle the editing changes. In October I submitted the 2nd section to the editor. I got review back in November. The feedback was tough, but fair. I live in bubble (none of my friends are writers) so honest feedback was what I needed. Despite some significant changes I felt all were doable.  Nothing was insurmountable. It would be a lot of work, maybe more logic intense than creative, but not a problem. I had an outline and timeline. I was organised and determined. I would start redrafting again Boxing Day 2023 and carry on into February and get it back to my editor. In fact, I started to write well before December. I followed my editor's advice and augmented some backstories, and I was pretty happy with the changes. But after about 3,000 new words, it all fell flat. I just couldn't write anymore.  I was happy to grit my teeth and carry on. But something told me to stop. There is obvious to look back and say I couldn't stop now. The path to the end would be hard, but well within sight. But I just couldn't do it anymore. After a frustrating December, and lackadaisical January, I discovered that all the work I had put into project, was in fact leading to something very different. Perhaps something I would have never discovered had not started on this writing venture. I found a pivot. 
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