Cover photo for Dante Chase Music

Aidan [lyrics]

Dante Chase Music
Where are the books and the stories
That this heart knows is true
Is there anyway to name this?
Are words ever enough for you?
Bright as the sun, lights my path
As sure as the sky is blue
Shine like stars on my dark nights
Aidan is that you?
I see the world from your shoulders
Love as far as the eye can see
Dark clouds surround us know
Why are you so far away from me?
Bright as the sun, lights my path
As sure as the sky is blue
Shine like stars on my dark nights
Aidan is that you?
Bright as the sun, lights my path
As sure as the sky is blue
Shine like stars on my dark nights
Aidan is that you?


This is another song that inspired by the book I was writing. The first verses are from the perspective of a father, the second verses are from the perspective of a sister. Here is an excerpt from the point of view of Aidan's father:
 Owen held the drone to his chest. It once belonged to Aidan.

When Aidan was 10, Owen often took him to his work place. Aidan loved being around the gadgets. Owen had just fixed a mid 21st century drone. On the drone was a nameplate: The Jolly Debacle.

Aidan pointed at the name. "What's that mean?"

"I means everything and nothing at all. That's the joy of naming things." Owen answered. "Thought Jolly would be a good name for drone. In old times, pirates had a flag called the Jolly Rogers. But Jolly by itself felt a bit lonely. So I consulted the authority."

Owen thumped down a large blue book.

Oxford English Dictionary - Second Edition - Vol IV - Creel - Duzepere

Aidan looked at it with awe. "Does it have pictures?"

"Not the kind of pictures you are thinking of, boyo. But yes it does have pictures. Its a book of words - pictures for your mind. " Owen tapped his index finger on the side of his head.

"So boyo, to name things, there's a special process we must follow. We close our eyes, open the book, and twirl our finger, and it lands on a word. That's how it landed on debacle. Here let me show you."

He opened the book, twirled his finger and pointed to the definition.

Aidan read it aloud.

"2. A sudden breaking up or downfall; a confused rush or rout, a stampede."

"Very good, boyo. That's how we name things." Owen said.

Aidan eyes lit up. "Dad, can I name something?"

Owen held his chin. "Hrmm. Well it so happens I just fixed another drone yesterday." Owen picked up a large silver drone. "She's a beauty."

"Oh Daddy let me name it!" Aidan shouted.

"Ok Aidan. But you must take a solemn oath to name things. It's serious business." Owen said. "You think you are ready for such a responsibility?"

Aidan looked earnest. "I am."

"Ok boyo. Raise your left hand" Owen commanded.

The boy complied. Owen held the book in front of Aidan.

"Place your right hand on the sacred text of the English language" Owen continued.

Aidan gently placed his hand on the worn cover.

"Aidan Quente Krasny - do you solemnly swear to give things their true names, the full true name, and nothing but their true name, so help you God?"

Aidan was silent. Owen whispered to him "Hey boyo, this is were you say I do."

Aidan stammered "Oh.. I do."

"By the powers divested to me by the Oxford English Department, I declare you, Aidan Quente Krasny, a true namer of things, neophyte level." Owen concluded.

Aidan remained silent.

Owens voice boomed. "Congratulations, you get to name the drone now!"

Aidan beamed with excitement. Owen handed him the book. "Do you remember how to do it, or do ya need a refresher course?"

With a sing song reply Aidan said. "Of course I remember."

Aidan took the book. He closed his eyes and carefully opened the book. With his left hand he supported the book while his right finger danced in the air. His finger softly landed on a page.

"Let's see watchya got there." Owen observed.

Aidan read it aloud. "Daintive. It means dainty?"

"Ah a delightful name! Now, just follow the clues - go to Dainty." Owen helped the boy find the definition.

Aidan looked at it "There are so many definitions, how do I know the right one?"

Owen said "You are now the true namer of things. It can hold which ever meaning you decide. Even all of them."

Aidan slowly read through all the definitions. "I really like this one."

"Liking or fondness to do or see anything; delight, pleasure, joy" 

Aidan smiled "Daintive. it even looks a bit like my name. Let's call it the Jolly Daintive!"

"Well done" Owen responded. "You are really good at this."

Owen processed a plastic name plate. He sprayed adhesive on the back, and handed it to the boy. 

"Do the honours, Aidan" Owen handed him the plate. Aidan proudly glued the name plate on.

"Can we fly the Jolly Daintive now?" Aidan asked.

"Don't see why not. Lets go boyo!"

Lyrics by DanteChaseMusic
ASCAP ID:924944814